Wasps Mobile Apps

Bike Route Planner (&Tracker)+ 0.2.037
Wasps Mobile
The Bike Route Planner is a tool to assistroute planning and navigation, and many other tasks related tocycling and walking.Routes can also be recorded, based on GPS readings. Tracks canbe adjusted to the ground altitude.Possible routes are shown on top of Google maps, with colorsrepresenting different inclinations. This is of vital importance tobikers and hikers, that frequently prefer to avoid steep slopes.The route's highest and lowest points are also depictedgraphically, through 'peak' and 'valley' icons.Routes can be analyzed on the map, by their coloring, or throughtheir summary and details, accessible from the menu. They can alsobe saved on the phone's storage, for future reference. An altitudeprofile graph is available, to better visualize the elevationsalong the route.Info about bike routes is available for Australia, Austria,Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden,Switzerland, the UK and the US. Other countries' users can planroutes based on normal roads.The application is configurable. It may use metric or imperialdistance units. It can be set to always show your location, andalso to keep the map centered on it. Some data about you can beentered, to support estimation of calorie consumption.Although BikeRoutePlanner is not directed to car drivers, it isalso possible to search routes for automobiles.Several new features will be added shortly. Further down thedevelopment road-map is the implementation of several otherfeatures, that will make Bike Route Planner a complete companionfor your cycling and hiking activities.BikeRoutePlanner was developed by a frequent bike commuter, thatfelt that some navigation and route planning needs were yet to befulfilled.
PhotoGeoTagger 2.01
Wasps Mobile
This app is for all photographers with regular cameras without GPS:it allows the creations of simple GeoTags to keep with your photos.Each time you want to remember a location, you can photograph thetag generated by the app with your regular camera, and it will actas a reminder of the photo's location. This tag is stored togetherwith your photos, and avoids needing to save locations or tracks onseparate devices, requiring a subsequent synchronization. Whenneeded, you can read the location info stored in one of these tags,through one of two options: - Upload the photo with the tag ontothe app's webpage: www.geotag.mobi . - Process the tag with any QRcode reader, such as ZXing.org or, on Android devices,BarcodeScanner. This will get you a web address that will displaythe geo location in question. Important note: The geotag.mobi sitewas discontinued. This legacy site will be kept as a courtesy forthe app's users. Tags created with the old version of the app willno longer contain valid addresses, but their content can still bedecoded in this page, using the form on the right. We are sorry forthe inconvenience. The new version of the app is already configuredto use this updated address.
Bike Route Planner (& Tracker) 0.2.037
Wasps Mobile
The Bike Route Planner is a tool to assist route planningandnavigation, and many other tasks related to cycling andwalking.Routes can be shared with others, and are then availableatwww.bikerouteplanner.net. Routes can also be recorded, based onGPSreadings. Tracks can be adjusted to the ground altitude.Possibleroutes are shown on top of Google maps, with colorsrepresentingdifferent inclinations. This is of vital importance tobikers andhikers, that frequently prefer to avoid steep slopes. Theroute'shighest and lowest points are also depicted graphically,through'peak' and 'valley' icons. Routes can be analyzed on themap, bytheir coloring, or through their summary and details,accessiblefrom the menu. They can also be saved on the phone'sstorage, forfuture reference. An altitude profile graph isavailable, to bettervisualize the elevations along the route. Alldata concerningroutes and the actual user's position is only usedinternally tothe application, and is not shared in any way. Seefull detailshere: http://www.bikerouteplanner.net/privacy.html Infoabout bikeroutes is available for Australia, Austria, Belgium,Canada,Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden,Switzerland, theUK and the US. Other countries' users can planroutes based onnormal roads. The application is configurable. Itmay use metric orimperial distance units. It can be set to alwaysshow yourlocation, and also to keep the map centered on it. Somedata aboutyou can be entered, to support estimation of calorieconsumption.Although BikeRoutePlanner is not directed to cardrivers, it isalso possible to search routes for automobiles.Several newfeatures will be added shortly. Further down thedevelopmentroad-map is the implementation of several otherfeatures, that willmake Bike Route Planner a complete companion foryour cycling andhiking activities. BikeRoutePlanner was developedby a frequentbike commuter, that felt that some navigation androute planningneeds were yet to be fulfilled. Altitudes may seemirregular due toGPS's altitude inaccuracy: this can be solved byselecting'Simplify and adjust to ground', in the 'Route' menu.Avoidrecording very long routes, with many GPS readings, as thiscanexhaust the phone's memory!